Scripture Reading - Ephesians 5:8-11 KJV

8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

In one of our previous lessons we touched on the general subject of “Fellowship”. We spoke about how it is important to have “good fellowship” with people but we also emphasized how our “fellowship” with God is the most important discussion of the day. In another message we touched on “Fellowship with Men” where we discussed communing with those people of like passions, principles and purpose. We also looked a little deeper into “Fellowship with God” because our “Fellowship with God” determines just who we are. Last week we taught on the “Fruits of Fellowship” to point out you are the exact fruit you produce. Last week’s lesson spoke of “Rational Fellowship” which points out that God is much more than “human reasoning”. In this lesson we will speak on “Unfruitful Fellowship” which is spending time around ungodly fruit that produces negative results. This could also be titled “unhealthy fellowship” because eating bad fruit can make you sick in the stomach. The natural reference to the stomach could be used to spiritually represent your soul. Just like you digest food and drink in your stomach your soul (mind, emotions and will) is used to digest doctrine, decisions and discipline. Just as your stomach processes foods to distribute to the body your mind ponders thoughts to make decisions. Yes, good food has nutritional value to strengthen your body like God’s good thoughts provide health to your spirit. As the stomach works for the physical body so does the soul work for your spiritual man (the inner man of the heart). The point is that you must govern what you are doing every day to judge whether your “fellowship” will produce good fruit or bad fruit. It is sad that many Christians don’t realize that watching ungodly shows on TV will affect the strength of their spirit. This is true for the pastor and the people, the teacher and the students and as far reaching as from the president to the beggar. Since today’s scripture pointed out that there are “unfruitful works of darkness” we should be aware of what they are. We can start by stating, “All words, actions and attitudes contrary to God’s goodness and love are considered unfruitful works”. This does not mean that doing ungodly activities will not produce any fruit because they will, the problem is they won’t produce any godly fruit to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. “Unfruitful Fellowship” includes all activities that pull you away from God’s Grace such as gossip and constant fellowship with ungodly people. Yes, we have seen many people who talk too much about other people and eventually they will have something to say about you too and probably to someone else other than you. Yes, we (ihlcc) hear many people discuss ungodly subjects to others not realizing they are hurting their fellowship with the Lord by spending extra time speaking on topics discouraged by God. This is why the Holy Bible states, “To be wise (experts) concerning that which is good and foundational (simplistic in your thinking) concerning that which is evil”.-Refer to Romans 16:19 We are not to be afraid of evil we are only supposed to use the Holy Bible as our source for understanding evil. We should not read after some so called expert who studies evil/wickedness through the eyes of human enlightenment apart from the Word of God. Since the Holy Bible (as God speaking to us) did not write the majority of the Holy Bible about all the wickedness in the world, we should follow suit and study thoroughly the good things of God as opposed to spending too much time on the evil things of the devil. Yes, looking at ungodly things (like horror, violence, lying, greed and cheating) for an extended period of time will expose the Holy Spirit of God inside of you to ungodliness, thus grieving the Holy Ones within. Likewise, listening to corrupt communication will poison your thoughts because your soul will constantly be in battle to attain God’s spiritual peace and joy after the exposure to evil. Remember Lot vexed his righteous soul with all the corrupt seeing and hearing he dealt with in Sodom.-Refer to 2 Peter 2:7,8 Our dear faith friend you cannot play both sides of the fence, either you will serve God with your whole spirit, soul and body or you will have “unfruitful fellowship” by serving someone or something else. Be wise dear beloved, both life and death are set before you so choose life by saying no to the unfruitful works of darkness, thus avoiding all “unfruitful fellowship”. Amen!